alex dodge

Starry Eyes Forever, 2024

Five-color water-based screenprint, oil-based relief inks on Coventry Rag 335
30 x 22 in
Edition of 30

Starry Eyes Forever allowed Alex Dodge and the Powerhouse Arts Printshop team to flip the relief process of woodcuts, the oldest form of printmaking, on its head through additive new digital approaches coupled with intensive hand-applications. The plates were created through an additive process of layering epoxy on PHA’s UV printer; the colors were then hand-rolled onto each plate, and finally run through the press individually. This relief print is very reflective of Dodge’s painting process, through which he builds thick layers of paint.

Images of the PHA Print team during production by Xavier Petromelis

artist bio

Alex Dodge (b. 1977, Denver, CO) lives and works in Brooklyn, NY and Tokyo, Japan. His work in painting, print, and sculpture has consistently explored the promise of technology as it interacts with and redefines the human body. Dodge’s pushing of material boundaries manifests through varied processes including stamped relief block printing, screenprinting with tactile braille ink, and traditional Ukiyo-e cut block printing. Working across mediums and often with imagery laden with textile patterns, His work implies that technology transcends cultural contexts. Dodge received his Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2001 from Rhode Island School of Design. He later attended New York University and received his MPS in Interactive Telecommunication in 2012. His work is included in the prominent permanent collections of The Metropolitan Museum of Art, MoMA, Whitney Museum of American Art, and the New York Public Library.